Contagious Grunt-itis

If you haven't heard of Grunt (if so, where have you been hiding?), it's a task runner powered by JavaScript and Node.js, don't worry, you don't have to be a JavaScript / Node.js developer to use Grunt (just like you don't have to be a Ruby developer to use Sass). You can use it for a lot of things thanks to the community for publishing so many plugins, a couple of examples being Cssmin (CSS compression) and Uglify (JavaScript minification).

This post assumes you're at least a little bit familiar with Grunt so I'm not going to write up a tutorial on how to install Grunt and its dependencies, in a nutshell you set up your Gruntfile.js file and configure tasks and plugins to do what you want, when you want. When you've got all your tasks set up, you just run the grunt command (which runs the default task) and you're all set, or if you have multiple tasks you'd run grunt task-name.

Also, if you were wondering about the title of this post, it's reffering to the fact that ever since I had my Grunt "aha" moment I haven't been able to stop from myself sharing its power with people. Yep it's that awesome it even caused me to come up with that awfully lame form of wordplay!

What I use Grunt for

On this site I use Grunt for a lot of things (short of dressing and feeding me), a lot of what I use it for on this site is very specific to this site as a whole and there will be a lot of things in there most projects won't need, I've heavily commented my Gruntfile.js file so it makes as much sense as possible and which snippets do which task and why I want them in place. I have also noted down which plugins I have used with links to them.

Below is my Gruntfile.js setup:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

   * Instead of loading each task one by one using `grunt.loadNpmTasks`,
   * automatically load all dependencies from the `package.json` file.
   * Plugin:


    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),

     * Start a local server using the compiled Jekyll site directory as the base.
     * Plugin:
    connect: {
      server: {
        options: {
          hostname: '*',
          port: 12000,
          base: '_site'

     * Compile Sass files to CSS files.
     * Plugin:
    sass: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          style: 'compressed'
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: 'lib/css',
          src: ['**/*.scss'],
          dest: 'lib/css',
          ext: '.min.css'

     * Uglify (minify) `main.js` file.
     * Plugin:
    uglify: {
      dist: {
        files: {
          'lib/js/main.min.js': 'lib/js/main.js'

     * Build Jekyll site.
     * Plugin:
    jekyll: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          bundleExec: true

     * Minify all HTML / PHP files that Jekyll builds.
     * Plugin:
    htmlmin: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          removeComments: true,
          collapseWhitespace: true
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          cwd: '_site',
          src: ['**/*.{html,php}'],
          dest: '_site'

     * Instead of getting Jekyll to rebuild every time a file in `lib` is changed
     * (slow), copy and replace the old `lib` with the new one in the compiled Jekyll
     * site directory. This only gets ran during the `watch` task because Jekyll
     * does it on the initial build.

     * Plugin:
    copy: {
      lib : {
        files: [{
          expand: true,
          src: ['lib/**/*'],
          dest: '_site'

     * Runs tasks against changed watched files.
     * Plugin:
    watch: {
       * Watch any Sass files, if any are modified, recompile them to CSS.
      sass: {
        files: 'lib/css/**/*.scss',
        tasks: ['sass'],
        options: {
          spawn: true

       * Watch any JavaScript files, if any are modified, reuglify them.
      uglify: {
        files: 'lib/js/main.js',
        tasks: ['uglify'],
        options: {
          spawn: false

       * Watch any Jekyll related files, if any are modified, rebuild and minify the Jekyll site,
      jekyll: {
        files: ['_includes/**/*', '_layouts/**/*', '_plugins/**/*', '_posts/**/*', '*.html', '_config.yml', '_site/**/*.{html,php}'],
        tasks: ['jekyll', 'htmlmin'],
        options: {
          spawn: false

       * Watch any files in the `lib` directory, if any are modified, copy and replace
       * that directory to the compiled Jekyll site directory (instead of getting Jekyll
       * to rebuild the entire site every time a file in `lib` is modified which is a lot
       * slower).
      copy: {
        files: ['lib/**/*'],
        tasks: ['copy'],
        options: {
          spawn: false

     * Upload (and replace the old files) the compiled Jekyll site directory to the
     * server.
     * 1. For some reason when Jekyll builds the site files, it builds random `pageN`
     *    directories in the compiled site root directory, this isn't a major problem,
     *    just an annoyance. This stops these directories getting uploaded to the server.
     * 2. Certain files which should be kept on the server even when they are not
     *    presented locally.
     * Plugin:
    ftpush: {
      dist: {
        auth: {
          host: '',
          port: 21,
          authKey: ''
        src: '_site',
        dest: '/public_html/root',
        exclusions: ['page*', '!**/*/page*'], /* [1] */
        keep: ['googlea67e882a592198c5.html', 'favicon.ico'] /* [2] */

     * Run command line tools.
     * Plugin:
    shell: {
       * Push the uncompiled Jekyll source code to GitHub.
       * 1. Updates the Git index (including deleted files).
       * 2. Commits any changes, with the commit message as the current date and time.
       * 3. Pushes changes to the remote repository.
      git: {
        command: [
          'git add -A', /* [1] */
          'git commit -m "<%="isoDateTime") %>"', /* [2] */
          'git push' /* [3] */


   * The `default` task, it builds / compiles the site, then watches for changes,
   * then rebuilds / recompiles.
   * Usage: `grunt` or `grunt default`
  grunt.registerTask('default', [

   * The `push` task, it uploads the compiled site to the server then pushes
   * uncompiled Jekyll source code to GitHub.
   * Usage: `grunt push`
  grunt.registerTask('push', [


So there you have it, go fourth and learn!